Fussy Cut Log Cabin Baby Quilt

Hat City Quilt Pattern is HERE!

Twinkle Boat Baby/Toddler Quilt

Happy Squares Baby Quilt

How to Sew Inset Circles to Create a Planet Quilt Border

More Star Attraction Quilts!

Improv Curves Crib Quilt

How to Make a Book Shelf Border
Do you struggle with planning borders for your panel quilts? Panel quilts are a quick and easy option, and often feature gorgeous artwork that wouldn’t work for traditional yardage, but what to do about the borders? I loathe calculating the exact math for quilt panels, so if you are like me, keep reading for a fun, no-math border that looks amazing!

Easiest Cheater Cloth Baby Quilt
I love making baby quilts! Small and satisfying to sew and give as we welcome precious little ones to earth, they are a gift I always hope will be loved and used up and worn out to the very last frayed thread.